
Culture, Communication and Learning for thriving in times of change

Archive for March, 2012


Posted by jjerlich on 29. March 2012

J. Es freut mich, dass Ideen und Vorschläge, die ich vor langer Zeit gemacht habe, wieder aufgegriffen und jetzt umgesetzt werden.
E. Mir fällt derzeit auf, dass Ideen sehr lange brauchen, bis dann wirklich praktisch umgesetzt werden können …
Hast Du dazu Ideen, wie dies schneller ginge?
J. Eine Idee verbreitet sich so schnell wie sich die Idee in den Gedanken von anderen einnistet und zum Teil dieser anderen Personen wird. Je mehr Personen diese Idee in ihren Gedanken einbauen, desto schneller die Verbreitung. Social Networks sind ein Medium wie man die Ideen teilen kann, damit sie sich in den Gedanken anderer einnisten können.Da wir in einer Welt leben, die wir als täglichen Kampf mit der Informationsflut beschreiben können, wird klar, dass es nicht so einfach ist, Ideen zu verbreiten und schon gar nicht schnell.

Gerne diskutiere ich mit Ihnen diesen Gedankenfaden. Kontaktieren Sie uns

Posted in Deutsch, Innovation, Lernen, Think | Tagged: , , | 1 Comment »

To be in the spotlight for a cause

Posted by jjerlich on 12. March 2012


Toby Weymiller I respect this actor who lost over 90% of his annual income to fight against giant nuclear power machine!
Actor in the spotlight of Japan’s antinuke movement | The Japan Times Online
Jutta Jerlich As I learned In Japan people who fight and want things to improve, pay a very high price – mostly loosing all their income and consequently life. That is why very few people dare to even think about change.
Toby Weymiller OR ….that fear is there and; consequently, it’s hard to gather momentum with any movement against something large and powerful like this industry. Sadly, I believe the public are fairly easy to "control" here, but many countries are like this. America, to some extent,
is like this, as well.
Tsuguo Fujita 自分の考えをしっかり持って発言できるのはすばらしいと思います。
Toby Weymiller I agree, Fujita-san. To be able to speak your beliefs freely is wonderful.
Jutta Jerlich I ‘d be happy to help build momentum for change in Japan

Posted in English, In Japan, Make a difference, People | Tagged: , , , | Leave a Comment »

Why is communication the key?

Posted by juttajerlich on 9. March 2012


Everyone has different thinking styles, experiences and perspectives based on their individual background, upbringing and education. The only way to get a 360 degree view of issues in an organization is to consider the opinion and ideas of others. This is especially true when it comes to seeing opportunities and threats as well as when dealing with complex issues.

To be able to share opinions and ideas a person needs to communicate. He or she also has to take into account that the messages sent out need to be received and understood in the intended way.

Communication is a two-way street, which is what is often forgotten. There are so many ways that things can go wrong in a communication that it is actually surprising when people really understand each other. This is usually the case when a relationship was built over a long period of time and is based on trust and respect for each other.

When do we like to share our opinions and ideas?
With who do we like to share our opinions and ideas?

With people we feel connected. With people we trust.
When we feel that our opinions and ideas are valued and respected.

This is not surprising and I am sure that you know what I am talking about and can tell me an example out of your personal life confirming this.

So why is it so hard to accept that this is how the climate and work environment in our companies should be? Simple fact, maybe too simple, to make it important on the decision makers agenda. Luckily more and more companies leaders do make it a top priority on their agenda.

Scientific research showed that employees who feel more engaged and connected are 22% more productive. Form an organizational point of view this means that feeling connected fosters relationships and opens up the knowledge flow.

-> Greater knowledge flow is essential for leaders to be better informed to be able to make optimal decisions.
-> Greater knowledge flow fuels the creation of ideas that stimulates innovation.

Of course, the fact is that people need to be good at what they do.

This leads us to a (very simple) formula:
Task Excellence + Relationship Excellence = Sustainable Superior Performance

Now what do you mean with Relationship Excellence?

Relationships are about connecting with people, sharing and communication on the basis of respect. A basic human need. The need to belong.

What does this mean translated into the world of an organization?
How do we feel connected within a company?

I believe that it can best be described through these 3 elements:


VISION exists when everyone is motivated by the mission, united by shared values and proud for what the company stands for.

VALUE exists when everyone understands the needs of people, appreciates their unique contributions and helps them achieve their potential.

VOICE is when everyone in an organization seeks the ideas of others, shares ideas honestly and safeguards relational connections.

I believe that one of the fastest and most powerful levers to work with and use those three elements is to install an ongoing Learning and Development process, it could also be an innovation management process – personal learning, learning with and from others is in the center.

It equips a task force with the best abilities to deal with the pace of change, its direction and often unpredictability. As never before organizations depend on the capability and capacity of its employees to be agile and responsive to trends in the market.

Looking forward to your feedback – connect – contact – lets work together …


Improving employee engagement is not simply about improving productivity

IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science
Implications of Employee Engagement on Critical Business Outcomes – An Empirical Evidence

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The social network by Shukou Tsuchiya

Posted in Allgemein, English, Innovation, Lernen, People, Think | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »